Monday, June 1, 2009

Something of a Paradox...

So dark is the con of man...

What keeps some alive while others die, even when all are breathing..

What makes us unable to choose amidst vast choices, yet drives us to choose in the absence of one..

What makes us to fall in an old known terrain, yet lets us stand steady in a new, uncharted one.

What keeps us worrying at the very beginning, about the end, yet lets us dream of a new beginning, when all things are about to end...

If all this is right, where does it lead us...

And if it is wrong, when does it all END.....

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Discussion Board..

There are only three certainties in Life : Change, Separation and Death...Which makes all the "good things" in life Uncertain... Then, what exactly is one working for??!!?

Take it away people...